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Points Claiming | How Do I Claim My Free Points?


Dear players, 

We are sorry to inform that there are still some issues with claiming free Points while playing games on GTarcade Desktop. From last Friday, all players are unable to claim G Points in the game window.

All users that play games on GTarcade Desktop

▼GTarcade Desktop Version Affected
All versions of GTarcade Desktop

▼Temporary Solution 
1. We will send free points to players who started games from 29th March to 2nd April (EST) on the 3rd of April (EST), based on how many days you played during the period. You can go to Wallet > G Points > History to check.

2. From 4th April, Points will be sent directly to your account at 00:00 (EST) every day. 
You can go to Wallet > G Points > History to check your points.

*Play games for 1 hour and you will earn 20 Points.
  Daily limit: 40 Points.

Q: How do I claim Points earned by playing games on GTarcade Desktop?

A: In short, you don't need to. They will be sent to your account automatically.

Once again, we apologize for any troubles this might have caused you. We are working hard to make it back to normal as soon as possible.

If you have met any questions, you can submit via this form>>>
