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  • New Mount Debuts in Celebration of the Summer Festival
    Keep the summer vibe alive! League of Angels III is introducing a brand new mount – Summer Unicorn in this week’s update for summer festival! Reflecting the desire for romanticism and purity, Summer Unicorn is the carnival themed mount which will be released on September 11th and available for all players during the summer carnival. Let’s see what surprises this dreamy mount will bring us ahead!
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  • Tournament of Champions: Fight for the Ultimate Glory!
    The yearly grand Cross-Server PVP feature Tournament of Champions (ToC) has come to shake the Sapphire in League of Angels II. Warriors will enjoy wonderful PVP battles with players from all servers and earn great rewards, and the final top 4 winners will be worshiped in the Hall of Glory. The first season ToC will start from Sep. 9th to Sep. 18th. It's time to testify your squad and fight for the ultimate glory!
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  • Spirit of the Ancient Forest - Elara, Debuts in Spirit Shrine!
    Join the Sprite Shrine from Sep 7th to Sep 9th to grab tons of resources and claim the new spirit Elara!
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  • 1 Point Day is Available on Points Store
    1 Point Day is coming again! Seize the chance to get materials with 1 G point consumed on Points Store once a month! We also have something new for you. Come and check!
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  • New Male Angel Esthar Debuts in League of Angels
    New male Angel Esthar has finally been unveiled in League of Angels' latest update. Esthar is known for his ability of spirit perception, which enables him to read other's mind and predict their action. This powerful angel will show up in upcoming Single-Server Resource Tycoon event from Sep. 7th to Sep. 12th! Let's know more about this angel.
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  • 1 Point Day & September Gift Pack Available Now
    1 Point Day is coming again! Seize the chance to get materials with 1 G point consumed on Points Store once a month! We also have something new for you. Come and check!
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  • Tips on Your First Time Playing Paradise Land on GTarcade Desktop
    Here are some tips on your first time playing Paradise Land On GTarcade Desktop.
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  • Get the Beach Party Started in League of Angels III!
    Summer sun, the festival’s begun! All players of League of Angels III are welcome to participate in the annual summer festival of Grace Continent held by the gracious angels throughout September. From September 5th to September 9th, dress up new fashion, put on the trendy sunhat and copper glasses, head to the beach while drinking Coconut, and let’s get the beach party started!
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  • Guild War: Clash with Guilds in Ultimate War in League of Angels III!
    Grab your Guild members and start mapping out your strategy, League of Angels III’s upcoming Update 3.0.0 has a feature-rich guild expansion to get all our fans buzzing at the very start of the one-month summer carnival! Introducing Guild War, a brand new single-server GvG game mode where players must fight as a Guild in the fiercest competition League of Angles III has ever seen. A new guild building and feature which enables guild members to help each other will also be ...
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  • LoA III Points Store Available Now!
    The long-awaited LoA III Points Store has finally opened. From now on,LoA III players can exchange for awesome items on Points Store with G points earned on GTarcade desktop.
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