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New Male Angel Esthar Debuts in League of Angels


New male Angel Esthar has finally been unveiled in League of Angels' latest update. Esthar is known for his ability of spirit perception, which enables him to read other's mind and predict their action. This powerful angel will show up in upcoming Single-Server Resource Tycoon event from Sep. 7th to Sep. 12th! Let's know more about this angel. 




Esthar's skill “Spirit Perception” can deal enormous magic damage to all enemies and increase own party’s ATK, DEF and Agility with a 100% chance of hitting! Hurry up to unlock Esthar, and he will assist you in fighting against formidable opponents. 




Join in the Single-server Resource Tycoon from Sep. 7th to Sep. 12th to compete for new angle Esthar! Play League of Angels now and embark on an epic journey!


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