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Tournament of Champions: Fight for the Ultimate Glory!


The yearly grand Cross-Server PVP feature Tournament of Champions (ToC) has come to shake the Sapphire in League of Angels II. Warriors will enjoy wonderful PVP battles with players from all servers and earn great rewards, and the final top 4 winners will be worshiped in the Hall of Glory. The first season ToC will start from Sep. 9th to Sep. 18th. It's time to testify your squad and fight for the ultimate glory!


Tournament of Champions consists of three phases, Qualifier Stage, Group Stage, and Finals Stage. Let's take a look at the event agenda.



Qualifier Stage

Duration: Sep. 9th 00:05:00 to Sep. 11st 23:59:59, 2018

1. Warriors compete for the Group Stage qualification in this stage. 

2. The Top 300 players in the BR rankings in each cross-server cluster can enter the Group Stage. 


Group Stage

Duration: Sep. 12th 00:00:00 to Sep. 14th 23:59:59, 2018

1. Group Stage participants are randomly divided into 8 groups. 

2. Players challenge opponents in their groups to get points. Each participant gets 10 free daily challenge attempts.

3. Players will get rewards at the end of the Group Stage based on their rankings within their group. The Top 8 players from each group will move on to the Elimination Stage.



Finals Stage

Duration:  Sep. 15th 00:00:00 to Sep. 16th 23:59:59, 2018



Elimination rules: The Elimination Stage takes place over 2 days. The Round of 64, 32, 16, Quarterfinals, and Semi-finals of each bracket will take place on the Day 1 at 2PM, 4PM, 8PM, 9PM, and 10PM respectively. The grand Semi-finals and Finals will take place on Day 2 at 8PM and 9PM, respectively. 


Revive rules: Before the start of the semi-finals, the player with the most Cheers that has already been eliminated can revive to participate in the semi-finals and also earn a Top 4 or better reward.


Finals rules: Final 4 participants will take part in the final selection, and the Grand Champion will be determined by a Best of 5 with 5 minute intervals between battles.


Hall of Glory & Rewards

Duration:  Sep. 17th 00:00:00 to Sep. 18th 23:59:59, 2018

Top 4 champions will be honored to enter the Hall of Glory. All players can see the champions there. The Grand Champion will get exclusive Champion's Glory Clothing set (30 Days).


Here are the unique skills of the exclusive clothing set.

Champion's Binding (Max Level): Deal (414%12870) DMG to the enemy with the lowest HP and stun them for 1 turn.

Champion's Wrath (Max Level): Deal (288%+10720) DMG to all enemies; this damage increases if there are less targets (damage is increased by 600%/375%/250%/188%/150% against 1/2/3/4/5 targets, respectively).

General Welfare

1. All warriors can view participants' squad info, which can help learn their hero cultivation and squad formation. 

2. All warriors can cheer for their favorite participants. When a participant makes it to the next round, the spectators who cheered for them will receive Cheer Reward.

3. Players who are on the same server with Finals Participants will get a Server Chest reward based on participants' final rank. If a server has more than one participant, only highest rank will prevail.


Tournament of Champions is coming! Let's see who will be the all-server Champions. Make your squad stronger and get ready for upcoming Tournament of Champions from Sep. 9th to Sep. 18th


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